About me
Information About Me
Welcome to my portfolio! I am J Atulya, a Computer Science major currently pursuing B-Tech at Govt. Model Engineering College in Kochi, Kerala. I am passionate about Cyber Security, AI and Problem Solving. With a strong foundation in computer science principles and a curiosity-driven mindset, I constantly seek opportunities to enhance my skills and contribute to meaningful projects.
Hackerrank, Leetcode questions
Coding Languages
in Final year
Team Projects
My Skills
My Timeline
2023 May - present
Tech Trainee - IEDC MEC
I am one of the trainees in the tech team of the entreneurpership cell of my college, IEDC MEC. This has given me experience on working on projects to improve my skills on react, javascript and typescript.
2023 June - 2024 June
Competitive Programming Trainee - TLE MEC
I am one of the trainees in the competitive programming team for the club TLE MEC. Being a part of it, I got more exposure into DSA by being part of various mentoring sessions and holding competitions along with the team.
2023 - present
Reader's Forum Head - The Book Thieves
I am the Reader's Forum Head in the literature club of my college, The Book Thieves. I have been responsible for the coming up with the events that promote reading habits in students.
Here are some of my works that I did in various programming languages.
Contact Me
Contact me here
I am open to network and open to work. For queries about my project work or about myself, contact me in the details given below.